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Mik's Painting

Agatha Crane

Agatha Crane

Agatha Crane – from Mansion of Madness

Agatha Crane is another investigator, I know. I used to paint a monster and an investigator but this time I feel I need to finish all the investigators first! 🙂

Agatha Crane is a fun figure to paint, despite her white coat/lab coat. The miniature itself id full a small details like the golden medallion, the buttons, the clothes…

I decided to place a bit of contrast by painting a red top and a brown skirt. I think these color help to better define the figure.

Besides, a white coat would have been too flat so I decided to use a little Nuln Oil to created darker areas.

I used only Citadel paints for this miniature, only a little of Vallejo Ivory to highlight a little bit the coat. I placed some golden details on her top and I
highlighted her clothes to make them stand out (and avoid the white coat to be the miniature focal point.

I rebased Agata Crane on a clear base (like the other miniatures, Preston Fairmont and the Hunting Horrors for example). I love these bases, they make you see the tiles underneath. If interested, have a look at eBay or Amazon.

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