Captain America
Captain America from Marvel Crisis Protocol
Captain America needed to be my first miniature from Marvel Crisis Protocol! I encountered a lot of difficulties along the way but I am very happy of the final result.
First of all, I started by priming the miniature in black and than in white from the above to have a little help dealing with the light. I followed the very same steps (priming the miniature, base colours and highlights) but this time I spent a lot of time working on the shield.
Captain America’s shield is not only the most important part of the miniature but it’s, to me, the real focal point. I tried to mimic the effect of a real metallic shield (I’ve never seen how the vibranium looks like!). I applied some radial reflection effect to avoid a flat look.
It wasn’t easy to deal with Captain America’s suit neither: it’s an unique mix of blue, jeans plus this “Avenger” look that is not easy to describe! 🙂
I decided to start with the darkest tone of blue and I lighten it up stage-by-stage using an increasing amount of lighter tones. I think it was the best approach, instead of building up the light.
What about Descent? Captain America is waiting for Tony Stark so Ironman is going to be my next miniature, I really can’t wait to start! In the meantime, if you want to buy the game, have a look at this link. Have a look at my Descent’s miniatures too.
Have a look at the gallery:
[toggles title=”Paint List”]
– Bugman’s Glow
– Cadian Fleshtone
– Blue Grey Pale
– Medium Blue
– Black
– Mephiston Red
– Rhinox Hide
– Nuln Oil
– Agrax Earthshade
– Magic Blue
– Pale Blue
– Evil Sunz Scarlet
– Ivory
– XV-88
– Titanium White
– Kislev Flesh
– Reikland Fleshshade
– Yriel Yellow
– Additionally for the base:
– Stonewall Grey
– Bonewhite