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The Scoundrel - from Gloomhaven The Scoundrel is another miniature from Gloomhaven, my first commission. I don't know, but I think Gloomhaven's miniatures are great but sometimes don't really get along with can Primers. The Scoundrel is a human figure and I found it a very interesting miniature to paint. Maybe you know already,

The Mindthief - from Gloomhaven It's the Mindthief turn! I love Gloomhaven miniatures!! This is a commission, but still I love them! The Mindthief is a very interesting miniature - small but full of even smaller details and gives you the space to work with the highlights, regardless its size. Still trying to figure out what

The Changeling - from Descent Journeys in the Dark It looks like every fantasy board game has a Changeling - Descent has one too! The Changeling is my last villain of the box The Shadow of Nerekhall, how exciting!! The Changeling is a character you want to paint in batch (they are 4 miniatures in

The Cragheart - from Gloomhaven The Cragheart is one of the main characters of this awesome board game. To be honest my first thought was: "Eh, this one is going to be easy", and it's almost true. Almost because yes the miniature is mostly grey, but you know this could also be an epic

Spellweaver - from Gloomhaven The Spellweaver scared me since I first saw a painted one. This is the first time I use OSL (Object Source Lighting) and I was afraid I would mess up with the overall effect. The miniature itself is not too difficult to paint: the Spellweaver's skin and her clothes are very

Inox Brute - from Gloomhaven Inox Brute is my very first miniature from Gloomhaven, and I am super exited about it! I don't own the game, but I played it couple of times and it's absolutely AWESOME! It brought me back to my Descent miniatures