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Mansion of Madness

Lily Chan - from Mansion of Madness Lily Chan is the last hero from the Sanctum of Twilight expansion (1 miniature to go!!). I find Lily Chan a very interesting miniature and I think she will stand beautifully on the tabletop! With that in mind, I primed the miniature in white so I can really

Charlie Kane - from Mansion of Madness Charlie Kane is the first investigator I paint from the Mansion of Madness' expansion "Sanctum of Twilight" - it's the first miniature, really! Our friend Charlie Kane has a very strong pose and it's overall a simple miniature to paint. What's dangerous about easy miniature? It's much easier

The Child of Dagon - from Mansion of Madness The Child of Dagon IS THE LAST MINIATURE of the main box, so I made it!! I really loved this miniature, and I've tried to highlight all the body imperfections, as well as the ripped clothes properly. The Child od Dagon is basically a human-like figure, but

The Deep One - from Mansion of Madness The Deep One is a very interesting miniature to paint. Also, I think, these characters really give you enough space to make your own interpretation of their look. The Deep One is kind of a fishy-but-still-a-lizard miniature, and that's all the fun! I decided to pain the Deep

The Star Spawn from Mansion of Madness Finally the time came: the Star Spawn is ready to hit the tabletop! I couldn't really wait to paint the Star Spawn but I was a little afraid of doing that too: my idea since the very beginning was to give them a "alienish" look - I always