Daily Bugle
Daily Bugle - from Marvel Crisis Protocol The Daily Bugle finally completed the main's Marvel Crisis Protocol box! This is a huge achievement - especially if like me you don't have any experience in painting buildings! The Daily Bugle is so iconic, you can't screw this up! Also, Spider-Man needs a place to stay on
The Dumpsters
The dumpsters - from Marvel Crisis Protocol The dumpsters are two very important pieces of Marvel Crisis Protocol and they can be interesting or super boring. How could you possibly make the dumpsters interesting? I mean, they are dumpsters! The only way I think is to keep in mind you are in New York City
Hulk from Marvel Crisis Protocol Hulk: what an adventure! :) The Hulk has played a very important role in my live: he is not my favorite Marvel's character, but it has been one of my first toys when I was a little kid. Also, my grandad patched it up when I broke it so it
Red Skull
Red Skull from Marvel Crisis Protocol Red Skull is another miniature I speed-painted by using the Citadel's Contrast paints. The main reason is that Red Skill is "quite simple" to paint: a big black area, a small red one and an even smaller blue one. I didn't want a flat result and unfortunately with
Dr. Octopus
Dr. Octopus from Marvel Crisis Protocol Dr. Octopus is a big miniature (like Ultron) but all his details make this character a very fun miniature to paint. I started with Dr. Octopus clothes - yellow first - and I used the Citadel's Contrast Paints all along. Iyanden Yellow for the golden/yellowish parts, Ork Flesh for
Ultron from Marvel Crisis Protocol Ultron is the miniature from the Marvel Crisis Protocol box I wanted to paint since I opened it. His shiny armor is very tempting but also very dangerous! At the first sight, it looks like Ultron won't require too many colors and this is actually true. However, it really depends
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel from Marvel Crisis Protocol I started Captain Marvel, after High Mage Quellen but I stopped because the Summer was calling me elsewhere! :) Captain Marvel miniature it was fan to paint and it's the one I enjoyed the most (from this game box). I wanted to create a sort of "link" between her
Spider-Man from Marvel Crisis Protocol Now, after Captain America and Iron Man, Spider-Man was the obvious choice! Despite the fact that Spider-Man looks "made" but just a couple of colours, it wasn't very straight forward to paint. The web on the suit makes everything difficult and, also, I didn't want to throw at it a
Iron Man
Iron Man from Marvel Crisis Protocol Iron Man is the most obvious choice after Captain America!It wasn't easy to deal with all the metalwork and to try to flat the miniature with a plain red color but I was super fun! We all know Iron Man suit: a red piece of metal with a couple
Captain America
Captain America from Marvel Crisis Protocol Captain America needed to be my first miniature from Marvel Crisis Protocol! I encountered a lot of difficulties along the way but I am very happy of the final result. First of all, I started by priming the miniature in black and than in white from the above to