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Mik's Painting

Charlie Kane

Charlie Kane

Charlie Kane – from Mansion of Madness

Charlie Kane is the first investigator I paint from the Mansion of Madness’ expansion “Sanctum of Twilight” – it’s the first miniature, really!

Our friend Charlie Kane has a very strong pose and it’s overall a simple miniature to paint. What’s dangerous about easy miniature? It’s much easier to get a flat effect that would ruin the model’s appearance. Also, in this case Charlie Kane wears a black suit, this increase the “flat” danger I mentioned above.

So, I decided to paint it using Citadel’s Contrast Paints to let the paint do the job – especially on the suit. This paint adheres very well and create naturally recesses and highlights. Also makes my life easier!

Here another miniature I painted using the same black paint.

I don’t usually use Contrast Paint, but for a miniature like this I think it was beneficial – mostly because of the result I wanted to reach.

I rebased the miniature on a clear base I got on eBay (for consistency with all the other miniatures of the game).

It was funny to paint all the gold details and all the small things too using some Retributor Armour.

Have a look at the gallery:

Paint List
  • Black Templar
  • Wyldwood
  • Apothecary White
  • Gillian Flesh
  • Blood Angels Red
  • Retributor Armour