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Mik's Painting

Daily Bugle

Daily Bugle

Daily Bugle – from Marvel Crisis Protocol

The Daily Bugle finally completed the main’s Marvel Crisis Protocol box! This is a huge achievement – especially if like me you don’t have any experience in painting buildings!

The Daily Bugle is so iconic, you can’t screw this up! Also, Spider-Man needs a place to stay on top to, so this will be the perfect home for my Peter Parker! 🙂

I primed the figure in black (with no zenithal highlights) and I started by painting the walls in green. I choose two different gradient – a darker tone and a lighter one – and I mixed them together while still wet, trying to create a middle tone and a smooth transition.

This is a very persona interpretation, but this time (in order to get a better concrete-effect) I mixed layer paints and contrast paints. Base colours were of course layers and instead of shading them, I used contrast paints on top. The final effect is very heterogeneous, how a old concrete should be.

In order to add to my Daily Bugle some interest, I also used technical and dry paints from Citadel (Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust), like I did while painting the Dumpsters. I recommend to use these two paints together, how explained in here.

I am pretty happy with the final result, also considering this is my first experiment with a building!

Have a look at the gallery: