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Mik's Painting

Father Mateo

Father Mateo

Father Mateo – from Mansion of Madness

Father Mateo… what can I say? I won’t lie, this one was easy! 🙂

Father Mateo is a priest and the miniature is almost completely black. I tried to bring up some details like the cross and the red belt. It was excuse to challenge a little bit myself in doing it.

Still, a super easy miniature to paint but I would suggest not to forget to express your talent with his face 🙂

I am not a big fan of monochromatic miniature and I confess I didn’t put any extra efforts with this one.

I could have work his face better, I could have highlight his black dress better, I could have done several things but I didn’t enjoy it much. It happens sometimes…

Now, what I will paint next?

Descent miniatures are still my favourites. I have to admit I had fan to paint the Hunting Horrors and a couple of MoM Investigators so I think my next Descent expansion box can wait a little bit more!

As a result, my next adventure will include another investigator (I don’t know which one yes) and maybe “The Riots”. I can’t wait to paint the riots – I don’t know why I think it will be fun!

Have a look at the gallery!