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Mik's Painting



Hulk from Marvel Crisis Protocol

Hulk: what an adventure! 🙂

The Hulk has played a very important role in my live: he is not my favorite Marvel’s character, but it has been one of my first toys when I was a little kid. Also, my grandad patched it up when I broke it so it became very important to me. I still have it – all patched up with the same materials my grandad used more or less 30 years ago…

Yeah, I grow soft 🙂

Let’s go back to OUR Hulk! Lots of greens – 50(K) shades of green! I used a mix of Citadel, Vallejo and ScaleColor paints, trying to reach a satisfying level of details. I started with the base colours by using Black Green, Uniform Green, Sherwood Green, Autumn Green and Irati Green for the body. For the jeans I used Dark Sea Blue and Naggaroth Night.

I spent some time to highlight body and jeans properly, but I kept the face separate: I wanted to focus on it with calm – multitasking is a big lie: doesn’t apply to me, at least!

The base was easy to paint: I used the colour that matches my terrain, but just for you to know I shaded it with some Nuln Oil and I went crazy on the manhole: I tried to make it “real” by making it rusty. I used Abanddon Black and Rhinox Hide for the main colours. Then, I applied some Red Rust, Orange Rust (Secret Weapon) and Yellow Ochre. I did more or less the same on Spider-Man.

If you want to know where I got the paints from, visit Element Games‘ website.

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