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Mik's Painting

Lily Chan

Lily Chan

Lily Chan – from Mansion of Madness

Lily Chan is the last hero from the Sanctum of Twilight expansion (1 miniature to go!!).

I find Lily Chan a very interesting miniature and I think she will stand beautifully on the tabletop! With that in mind, I primed the miniature in white so I can really bring out the most from the Contrast Paints I will use.

I started with the skin. Knowing already I will have to use some red, so I preferred to “protect” the mini from unwanted stains. I did the heir right after by applying a black Contrast Paint from Citadel.

Now, let’s skip to the tricky part: I’ve used a red Contrast Paint too but VERY CAREFULLY!!! A single touch of a brush’s fur could mess up with the final result. What to do if it happens? White. Use some white layer paint. Paint again over it and next time try to be more careful!

Tips apart, I managed to use my red responsibly so no issues so far! 🙂

The gold part was fun: I used a layer metallic paint because I wanted Lily Chan’s chimono to stand out. So Contrast paint (like red) and Metallic layer paint could be a disaster mix! If you don’t want to end up touching the miniature so many times with the white trick above, keep your hand steady!

At the end, I rebased the miniature to a clear base to match all the other heroes and I am super happy with the final result!

Have a look at the gallery:

Paint List
  • Guilliman Flesh
  • Blood Angels Red
  • Black Templar
  • Gryph-Charger Grey
  • Retributor Armour