from Descent – Journeys in the Dark (2nd edition)
Syndrael was the first Hero I painted and I was fascinated by her armour. I couldn’t wait to use some gold! 🙂
I primed the Syndrael in white and, once dry, I applied the base colours. Needless to say, I started with her golden armour. For this, I used Retributor Armour and Golden Griffon. For the fabric, I used mostly Sybarite Green.
I shaded the clothing with pure Coelia Greenshade, Reikland Fleshade for the skin and finally Casandora Yellow & Agrax Earthshade for the armour.
In details, I tried to apply a gentle gradient to the shield (one of the prominent area of the miniature). I did this by applying some shading selectively on the lower part of the shield. The same for the sword (like I did on the Hero Quest’s Goblin)
For the highlights, I applied some selective shades on the shield and some part of the armor and I provided some finishing touched on the cloak by applying the base color again on certain areas. I created a gradient for the cloak to give it a smoother finish.
I rebase the miniature on a more scenic base by Micro Art Studio.
Have a look at the gallery:
[toggles title=”Paint List”]
– Retributor Armour
– Golden Griffon
– Sybarite Green
– Kislev Flesh
– Screaming Skull
– Averland Sunset
– Screaming Skull
– Runefang Steel
– Coelia Greenshade
– Casandora Yellow
– Agrax Earthshade
– Reikland Fleshade
– Nuln Oil
– White Scar
– Liberator Gold
– Lahmian Medium
– Lamentors Yellow
– Carroburg Crimson
– Sotek Green