The Child of Dagon
The Child of Dagon – from Mansion of Madness
The Child of Dagon IS THE LAST MINIATURE of the main box, so I made it!!
I really loved this miniature, and I’ve tried to highlight all the body imperfections, as well as the ripped clothes properly.
The Child od Dagon is basically a human-like figure, but with a deformed body. Also, he holds a sharp weapon, and this is a detail I wanted to put some efforts on.
I panted the skin using Guilliman Flesh – it’s a Contrast paint and I think it creates very nice recesses. Trying to follow the same principle, I painted the clothes using contrast paints too (I wanted to recreate more or less the sane effect I had with the Riot).
The Child of Dagon weapon was very fun, especially the blade. I used a silver paint from Citadel and I’ve also used Red Rust and Orange Rust from Secret Weapon. I applied both using a tampon and the final effect was exactly what I was looking for: I mean, of course this guy would have hold a rusty weapon!
For the last time, I rebased the miniature on a clear base for consistency with the other miniature of the box.
With that said, say hello to Mansion of Madness for a little while! 🙂
Have a look at the gallery: