The Deep One Hybrid
The Deep One Hybrid from Mansion of Madness
The Deep One Hybrid is somehow still human, but not 100% human anymore… confused? 😀
There are four miniatures of the Deep One Hybrid, so I needed to create some differences and variations (like I did painting The Riot).
As stated before, they are still humans – so the body is an human body – but the skin is greenish and there are some little green tentacles coming out from these guys’ jumpers!
I decided to use Citadel’s Contrast Paint to reach a nice level of contrast and recesses – especially in the jumpers.
In order to use this type of paint, you need to make sure to prime the miniatures in white! This is super important!
I choose the rebase the miniatures on some clear bases that I got from eBay.
The miniature needs to look sick so I painted the skin using Gulliman Flesh and, when dried, I applied another layer of paint by mixing Ork Flesh with a small touch of Organ Camo.
I worked on those tentacles a little bit to make them stand out: they are very easy to miss and they are also a nice touch for the figures.
Now, I am closer to finish the main box! I already primed the next miniatures, so stay tuned!
Have a look at the gallery: