The Dumpsters
The dumpsters – from Marvel Crisis Protocol
The dumpsters are two very important pieces of Marvel Crisis Protocol and they can be interesting or super boring.
How could you possibly make the dumpsters interesting? I mean, they are dumpsters! The only way I think is to keep in mind you are in New York City so everything can be interesting!
The dumpsters need to be similar but different. It’s not like batch-painting same miniatures… they will be both in place in the same time. I wanted them to look good in the tabletop.
I painted them using Citadel’s Contrast Paints, but I don’t want to waste time describing step-by-step how I did it: this elements can be literarily painted in 10000000000 different ways!
Let’s focus on the corrosion / rust effect, because this time I used different paints for this effect. I used to do rust using Secret Weapon’s paints (like here on Spiderman). This time I used Citadel’s Technical paint Typhus Corrosion and Citadel’s Dry paint Ryza Rust.
I discovered Ryza Rust is designed to be used on Typhus Corrosion: so I first applied Typhus Corrosion and, once dry, I applied Ryza Rust with a dry paintbrush.
To add some interest, I printed a couple of elements (a graffiti and a flier) and I glued them on the dumpsters.
Overall, I am very satisfied with the final result. I have another way to do rust in my arsenal now – good!
Have a look at the gallery: