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Mik's Painting

The Goblin

The Goblin

from Hero Quest

I painted the Goblin as a gift for a special friend of mine. Hero Quest was the first fantasy board game we played together and this miniature quickly became an icon for the game itself. 🙂

The skin is the most important part here and I tried to make it stand out using a mix of Caliban Green and Castellan Green. I added some white to the mix to because the final result was too dark to me.

For clothes of the Goblin I used Mephiston Red (with some white to “calm” a little bit the tone) and XV-88 for the boots. Stormhost Silver for the sword and the details on the belt. XV-88 for the handle of the sword too and Mournfang Brown for the belt. Screaming Skull for the little skull on the base and Agrellan Earth for the base (both shaded with Nuln Oil)

I shaded the miniature with some Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil for the sword in a couple of stages.

Here you can find other Goblins I’ve painted.

I added the skull to the base and I think it was a nice touch. This is the eBay seller I bought them from.

Have a look at the gallery:

[toggles title=”Paint List”]
– Caliban Green
– Castellan Green
– Mephiston Red
– XV-88
– Stormhost Silver
– Mournfang Brown
– Agrax Earthshade
– Nuln Oil
– Screaming Skull
– Agrellan Earth