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Mik's Painting

The Golem

The Golem

The Golem – from Descent Legends of the Dark

The Golem it’s a great model, and I must confess I thought I got a couple of defective ones because their rights legs were detached from the calfs & feet! 😀

The Goleam is basically made of rocks, which makes the whole painting experience long enough but very enjoyable. Unlike the Cragheart, I wanted to paint almost all the rocks with a different shade of light. Just to avoid for the Golem to appear flat. Also, to add to interest to the miniature, I have filled the gaps with a lava-ish effect. I believe this small touch really makes the miniatures stand out!

I have uses a technical Citadel Technical Paint – Agrellan Badland – for the base, to recreate still a desert-like effect that would work well with the rocks.

Another small interesting touch is the rust effect I have decided to apply to the armour. Again, I have used two Citadel Paints (Typhus Corrosion & Ryza Rust).

I have really enjoyed painting this minis – I don’t mind waiting rocks! My only suggestion (more a note to self for the next challenges), take your time with this “easy” miniatures because they really give you the opportunity to play with details and experiment.

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