The Harbinger
The Harbinger – from Descent Legends of the Dark
The Harbinger hybrid being my first mini after a looooong break, it’s actually really unexpected! I don’t really love much the Harbinger, but they are part of the box too… and I promised to myself that I won’t buy the expansion until I finish all the minis in the box!
The Harbinger it’s kind of a hybrid dragon, so I wanted to highlight the skin properly. Also the wings – which are smaller compared to a proper dragon. These minis are full of details. I think all the greens I could use on every single scale wouldn’t really play the effect I had in mind. So I went for a mixed approach, involving both contrast and regular paints.
The biggest challenge was to use a different green for both the skin and the armour. It looks like the armour is made by a stronger set of scales, so I wanted that to be green too but without loosing sight of both parts or making the mini a big green dot! I mixed the green I used with various tones of yellow. Besides, I have used different tones of yellow for the wings, so there is consistency on the overall dragon figure.
I am pretty happy with the result – given also the fact that I basically had zero time to paint them. They look good on the tabletop and I believe e they will also look great close to Vaerix!
Have a look at the gallery: