The Merriod
from Descent – Journeys in the Dark (2nd edition)
The Merriod gave me the chance to play with Scenic Water, finally! 🙂
I tried to mimic the water effect with some custom-made solutions but DO NOT TRY AT HOME! Scenic Water is the best (is not the cheapest option, tho!). Because it’s awesome, I used the same on my Dragon, if you want to have a look.
By the way, I bought Woodland Scenics Water Effect and Woodland Scenics Realistic Water on Amazon.
The Merriod with his shark-looking skin it a quite fun miniature to paint. And I used a wet palette (against my own will). First of all, I primed the miniature in grey. To facilitate the white effect on the belly, I applied some white primer on the front of the monster.
I miked on my palette Stegadon Scale Green, Sotek Green and some white and I created a gradient. Starting with the darker areas, I blended the colour together with a damp brush. I used some fluo green between the white areas and the blue areas to give a “fishy” look to the model.
I used some Vallejo Dark Earth Basing Paste to create some rock on the bases and I applied the scenic water between the rocks and here and there on the monster itself.
Have a look at the gallery:
[toggles title=”Paint List”]
– Stegadon Scale Green
– Sotek Green
– Naggaroth Night
– Bugman’s Glow
– Reikland Fleshshade
– Woodland Scenics Realistic Water
– Woodland Water Effects
– Vallejo Dark Earth Basing Paste