The Scoundrel
The Scoundrel – from Gloomhaven
The Scoundrel is another miniature from Gloomhaven, my first commission.
I don’t know, but I think Gloomhaven’s miniatures are great but sometimes don’t really get along with can Primers. The Scoundrel is a human figure and I found it a very interesting miniature to paint. Maybe you know already, I hate green (who remembers Hulk??) but this time I am happy enough with the final result.
Back to the Primer thing: every time I use a Primer (in this case Citadel Corax White/White Scar), these miniatures somehow react and I can see their faces are not smooth enough for my taste. Strange thing, I’ve been using the same primers on other models from years and I’ve never seen this reaction.
Next time I will use an airbrush.
Anyway, the Scoundrel. This is my very personal version since I don’t find very easy to pick on details looking at the characters’ cards. She is human, hence the pale skin. Also she seems to have a thing for nature so I choose green and brown. Besides, I think gold works beautifully on the details.
If you want to paint the Scoundrel, I would recommend Contrast Paints only if you want to finish it fast: I found it very funny painting it using “regular” paints.
Have a look at the gallery: