The Shadow Dragon
from Descent – Journeys in the Dark (2nd edition)
I was looking to paint the Shadow Dragon since I opened the box for the first time but I knew that it wouldn’t be easy!
For this reason (and because I am not a PRO), I choose to follow a YouTube guide made by Mark Sorastro himself (the best miniature painter, in my opinion).
First of all, I created some rock on the bases using the Vallejo Dark Earth Basing Paste (like I did for the Merriod) and I primed the miniature in black, grey and white from above. I followed Sorastro’s tutorial mostly to learn some basics on how to make the wings look great. So, I created all the tones I wanted (5, in total) using a dry palette (this is the way I prefer but a wet palette would make sense too). Adding some retarder to the mix gives more time to work with the paints before they dry. I started with the lightest tone and I moved forward to the darkest, blending them together with a damp brush.
I applied the base colors to the remaining areas of the Shadow Dragon and I prepared myself a resin (home made) to create a water effect below my dragon. My experiment worked but I would strongly recommend not to do the same and go for a more reliable solution (Woodland Scenic Realistic Water, for example).
I was stunned by the result and it’s still my favorite miniature.
Have a look at the gallery:
[toggles title=”Paint List”]
– White
– Abandon Black
– Moot Green
– Naggaroth Night
– Rhinox Hide
– Mephiston Red
– Rakarth Flesh
– Zandri Dust
– Jokaero Orange
– Castellan Green
– Biel-Tan Green
– Dark Sea Blue
– Nurgling Green
– Caliban Green