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Mik's Painting

Ynfernael Hulk

Ynfernael Hulk

Ynfernael Hulk from Descent Journeys in the Dark

Ynfernael Hulk is the first miniature I painted from the Shadow of Nerekhall expansion.

I couldn’t wait to start painting this miniature! The Ynfernael Hulk is made by rocks and lava so this was the real challenge. I never painted the lava before and I tried to make it as real as possible bu using three different colours for it. It would have been much easier to fill the gaps between rock with red but the result would have been too flat.

First of all, I primed the Ynfernael Hulk in black. Then, I applied a couple of layers of grey dry brush (three different shades, from a darker tone to a brighter one). This was the easy part 🙂

I started to paint the lava by using Citadel Evil Sunz Scarlet. After that, I used some Trollslayer Orange for the central part of the lava streams. Finally, I applied some Flash Gitz Yellow at the very center of every single lava stream. This would represent the hottest part of the lava so this is the reason why I decided to use these three colours. You can find the colours here on Amazon.

I finished the Ynfernael Hulk with some black to fix my mistakes.

I build some texture on the bases to have some rocky effect that would match the nature of the miniature. Something like the Shadow Dragon I painted long ago. Tip: do it before printing the miniature!

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