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Mik's Painting



from Descent – Journeys in the Dark (2nd edition)

I painted the Zombies in batch Zombies and I saw the benefit of it right away!

They were my first zombies and I experimented a lot around the skin tones, trying to give a “rotten” look, as it should be (I never saw a zombie myself but I think it’d look disgusting, wouldn’t it??). I choose a green skin tone so I used mostly Elysian Green, Moot Green and Castellan Green. I used a dry palette because I don’t like wet palette much but I gotta say, a wet palette would be the right approach.

You could also decide to use a variety of grey for the skin, I am sure it would be great too. Perhaps I am too old school: zombies = grey skin! 🙂
Or perhaps I just like green skin, like Widow Tarha and the Goblins Archers

I decided to give them some variety so I painted their clothes differently.
These miniatures give you the flexibility to play with tunic so I choose to decorate some (especially the Elite) I shaded the miniature using Agrax Earthshade but be careful on the skin: I applied there only some selective shade to darken some areas.

For the base I used Agrellan Earth, it gives a nice texture and it’s also very easy to use.

Have a look at the gallery:

[toggles title=”Paint List”]
– Elysian Green
– Moot Green
– Castellan Green
– Agrax Earthshade
– Agrellan Earth